17 August 2023
Report on Lynemore Care Home, Strathspey & Badenoch Herald
The Strathsypey and Badenoch Herald has today reported that the Care Inspectorate has carried out an inspection at Lynemore Care Home in Grantown. In fact, all care homes in Scotland are subject to regular inspection by the Care Inspectorate.
This is a perfectly routine process during which inspectors engage with residents, staff and relatives, often over several days. This allows them to form an accurate assessment of the quality of life and work at a care home. To date, Lynemore has been the subject of five such inspections since it opened.
A fresh inspection was carried out earlier this month. Throughout the inspection process – which took place over several days – the Care Inspectorate were able to examine all aspects of care at Lynemore and engage openly and transparently with residents and staff. We expect their report to be published imminently.
In its last inspection report of December 2021, the Care Inspectorate rated Lynemore 4 (good) for the way in which it supports residents’ well-being. We are confident the Care Inspectorate will report that Lynemore continues to provide high levels of care and is a warm, welcoming home in which to live and work.
Needless to say, if there are areas where we can further enhance the quality of care we provide, we will, of course, do so. As a care provider we are committed to continuous improvement and to ensuring our residents get the best out of life.
Demand for care places at Lynemore has continued to grow, so much so that there is now a very substantial waiting list for the home, such is its reputation. In light of this demand, we expect to announce a significant investment at Lynemore in the coming weeks.
The Strathspey & Badenoch Herald has also published a series of anonymous and unsubstantiated claims about care standards at Lynemore. Since many of our residents have very complex and challenging health needs, involving multiple partners, it would not be appropriate to comment on them, nor can we comment on internal disciplinary matters. The Care Inspectorate carried out a rigorous assessment of care standards during their inspection and their report will be comprehensive. We look forward to its publication.
The entire team at Lynemore is focussed on a common goal - ensuring the health and happiness of our residents. We support each other to achieve this and work constructively with residents, their families and our staff to address any concerns promptly and effectively.
We have a robust system of documentation and protocols in place to ensure the well-being of residents in our care, using sophisticated digital care technology to ensure that records are updated in real time so that any issues identified can be instantly logged and then actioned. Our staff receive ongoing training, and their performance is routinely monitored so that our high standards are always maintained.
At Parklands, inclusivity, openness and respect are core values. We believe that every employee, regardless of age, gender, sexuality, race or background, should be empowered to achieve their full potential. We promote family-friendly policies, with working hours designed to accommodate the diverse needs of our staff.
Working in the care sector is highly rewarding but also challenging and not everyone is suited to it. Fortunately, we are blessed to have a dedicated, professional and hard-working team at Lynemore, with all of us working to ensure we achieve the best possible outcomes for our residents. We demand high standards from our employees but make no apologies for that. Our residents deserve no less.
Parklands was formed 30 years ago by our managing director following his experience as a carer for his grandfather. He resolved then that the care he gave to his grandfather should be the standard of care that each of our residents receives. We treat every one of our residents as though they were a member of our own family.